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Winter Weather Update

Kearney Companies

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Thank you for your patience and understanding as New Orleans received record snowfall this week that broke the record set in 1895!

Both Ports America and New Orleans Terminal will be open tomorrow, January 24 as well as for a full day Saturday, January 25 to assist with customers working through backlogs caused by the winter storm.

QSL and Lineage will also be open Friday with full operations.

Please advise any of your drivers/personnel to exercise caution when driving on Clarence Henry Truckway as there still may be snow/ice that has not yet melted.

NOPB crews are making preparations to safely resume operations as soon as possible. Please stay tuned for further updates.

Terminal Operator Information: 

New Orleans Terminal: 504.648.6200, link to portal

Ports America: 504.894.6300, link to portal

QSL: 504.896.9162

Lineage Logistics: 504.944.4400 

Business Development

Amanda Coates, Chief Commercial Officer,, 504-528-3419

Janine Mansour, Director of Trade Development,, 504-528-3533

Vessel Ops: 

Joshua Gommel, Deputy Director of Marine Operations,, 504.528.3218 

Helpful Links: 



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